Project 3

Journalism’s influential awards lack diverse judges

A groundbreaking investigative through the AAJA Voices fellowship that resulted in a first-of-its kind dataset and calls for change by top news leaders.

Over summer 2021, I worked with the other Asian American Journalists Association's Voices Investigative Fellows to collect and publish a first-of-its kind dataset on the racial and ethnic background of judges at top journalism awards, including the Pulitzer, Livingston, Loeb and Peabody awards.

I built the initial Python web scraper used to collect the names, titles and organizations of judges at these awards. I then handled outreach to all judges of the Livingston Awards, and conducted interviews with the director of the awards, one judge, one award submission contractor and other sources.

Finally, I built all the interactive graphics for the piece from scratch (using React and d3), which are all shown on this page.

The final piece was presented at the AAJA National Convention in Los Angeles and republished by The Objective.

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